- People are being given CD.
- This woman was bitten by a cobra near the medical camp. Two men brought her and Dr. V. gave her antivenom.
- This is the trained volunteer staff that continues to work in Dr. V's absence. Please pray for them.
- Teaching student volunteers
- Volunteer team after training to work with refugees
- Volunteers are paid every month if the funds last. Some are married and have children. Absence of funds means there is no food.
- These people are given CD spray, tea and capsules when their body temperature is more than 101.5. Severe parasitic infestation is quite common among the refugee children.
- About 99% of refugee children are infected by mosquito-borne infections.
- Bacterial infections
- Boils, carbuncles and maybe folliculitis. He was given appropriate herbal therapies, shampoo and anti-bacterial cream to ameliorate and prevent further bacterial infections .
- Was given CD along with vitamins, minerals and enzymes.
- Parasitic infestation
- Refugee children enjoying the rain shower.
- Refugee students in school.
- Student assembly.
- Students attending class.
- We buy chickens for the refugees to augment their livelihood.
- The refugees often eat the feed grain and the chickens before they lay eggs.