- This baby died of Acute Respiratory Multi-Infection (SARS). It is contagious and usually spread quickly but quarantine is difficult due to unhygienic living style. There was no availability of chest radiography nor bronchoscopy. A brief history from grieving mother that the child had fever, trouble breathing, chills and diarrhea, helped me determine that the etiologies were due to multiple pathogens. The combined information was sufficient to know that the baby did not die of hemoptysis. I was at the end of my services and did not have a barrier mask. Fully aware of infection risk, I performed manual mouth to mouth resuscitation, two rescue breaths for every 20 compressions to achieve the internal respiration. The child was pushing up sputum from deep inside the chest. Faced with NO intravenous hydration fluid, I administered an IV hydration of fresh coconut water for thirty minutes due to severe dehydration. Mother was given CD, CD spray, food, clothes and was paid to build a bamboo hut for her. The Intravenous use of coconut water. Article in American Journal of Emergency Medicine 18(1):108-11 · February 2000DOI: 10.1016/S0735-6757(00)90062-7 · Source: PubMed
- Baby Resuscitated. Mother started giving baby formula mixed with CD tea. Three days later the child appeared to be healthy and vibrant.
- Conducting Medical Camp
- A malnourished boy being treated. He is blind in the right eye.
- Oral Thrush, Aggressive Periodontitis, Alveolae Bone Loss, Hyperdontic and numerous gum diseases with maggots and puss are common to over 250,000 people in this region. None of them have any access to care except what I have been providing.
- Public Source of Clean Water
- Public Source of Clean Water
- Young boy carrying water
- SARS-Coronavirus and appears to be multiple mosquito-borne infections.
- Blind in both eyes. His eye infection began when he was about ten years of age, and about six years later he completely lost his sight.
- He was given multi-vitamins and natural herbal antibiotics. Natural herbal antibiotics are preferred because strong antibiotics make these people very sick, even in the smallest doses. GI bleeding can occur and death ensues.
- A group of refugees receiving care.
- Lining up to receive care.
- This indigenous woman and husband asked Dr. V. to touch her. Many of them believed that when he touched them, they received healing from God.
- Bacterial and Fungal Infections
- Bacterial and Fungal Infections
- Eye infection along with cancerous growth.
- Parasitic infection of the skin and scalp due to mosquito-borne infections.
- Dr. V. conducting training for volunteer nursing students.
- Serving nursing students lunch.
- Nursing students giving Dr. V. a farewell shawl